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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Mythology


Anthropology; Mythology

A ship from Norse mythology, usually said to be in the possession of Freyr but rarely reported to be owned by Odin. It has the ability to be folded up neatly and carried around in ...


Anthropology; Mythology

One of the most important Norse Gods, said to be an ancestor of the Swedish royal family. Freyr is a Vanir and rules over Alfheim, the realm of the light elves. Among his ...


Anthropology; Mythology

A Norse god, possibly a personification of daybreak. He is the third husband of Nótt, the personification of night, and they have a son called Dagr, the personification of day. ...


Anthropology; Mythology

The aesir god of justice from Norse mythology, who may also be the Frisian god Fosite. He is the son of Baldr and Nanna and lives in Glitnir, a hall of gold and silver that ...


Anthropology; Mythology

The Norse god of poetry. Some sources state that he is one of Odin's many sons, but this is a heavily contested fact. He is mentioned in the Gylfaginning as being renowned for his ...


Anthropology; Mythology

One of the halls of Asgard and the home of the Norse god Baldr. It is briefly mentioned in the Gylfaginning.


Anthropology; Mythology

A large ship belonging to the Norse god Baldr. In traditional Norse fashion, Baldr's corpse will be laid to rest on the ship and set on fire. Due to the size, it will require the ...