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Business services
The business service industry provides the core business skills and knowledge required for a high performing workplace.It covers an array of expertise, including customer contact, business administration, business management, business information and human resource management.
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Business services > Human resources 
Business services; Human resources
The practice of allowing more senior level employees whose positions have been slotted for elimination or downsizing the option of accepting an alternative position within the ...
change management
Business services; Human resources
The deliberate effort of an organization to anticipate change and to manage its introduction, implementation, and consequences.
clean slate
Business services; Human resources
The Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 establishes a clean slate scheme to limit the effect of an individual's convictions in most circumstances (subject to certain ...
collective bargaining
Business services; Human resources
The process by which (an) employer(s) will negotiate employment contracts with (a) union(s).
competency-based pay
Business services; Human resources
Competency based pay is a compensation system that recognizes employees for the depth, breadth, and types of skills they obtain and apply in their work. Also known as skill based ...
Business services; Human resources
‘an underlying characteristic of a person’ ‘motive, trait, skill, aspect of one’s self-image or social role, or a body of knowledge’.
competitive advantage
Business services; Human resources
‘People are the source of competitive advantage’. Other systems in an organization can be copied but not the people in the organization.

- Business intelligence (2091)
- Consulting (791)
- Customer management (453)
- Education & training (844)
- Event planning (651)
- Human resources (6265)
- International business (895)
- Marketing (6292)
- Merchant services (0)
- Mergers & acquisitions (3237)
- Office services (413)
- Personnel (383)
- Pest control (240)
- Project management (6753)
- Public relations (1666)
- Quality control & tracking (24)
- Relocation (7456)