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Business services
The business service industry provides the core business skills and knowledge required for a high performing workplace.It covers an array of expertise, including customer contact, business administration, business management, business information and human resource management.
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Business services > Human resources 
fringe benefit
Business administration; Human resources
A reward beyond the basic pay for the job. Examples can range from subsidized meals and travel to pensions, holidays and sickness benefits.
personnel management
Business administration; Human resources
A specialized function concerned with all aspects of the management of human resources in an organization from recruitment to retirement, including conditions of employment, ...
180° evaluation
Business administration; Human resources
A technique used in personnel management where opinions about someone’s work are obtained from all of his or her equal status colleagues. Compare with 360° evaluation.
360° evaluation
Business administration; Human resources
A technique used in personnel management, where opinions about someone’s work are obtained from his or her superiors as well as equal-status colleagues. Compare with 180° ...
human resources
Business administration; Human resources
All the people who work for an organization in any capacity.
job enlargement
Business administration; Human resources
Expanding the content of a job to include new responsibilities that will usually require training and the acquisition of new skills.
employee profile
Business administration; Human resources
Following a job analysis, this is a descriptive list of the background, experience and ability considered necessary for the performance of the job.

- Business intelligence (2091)
- Consulting (791)
- Customer management (453)
- Education & training (844)
- Event planning (651)
- Human resources (6265)
- International business (895)
- Marketing (6292)
- Merchant services (0)
- Mergers & acquisitions (3237)
- Office services (413)
- Personnel (383)
- Pest control (240)
- Project management (6753)
- Public relations (1666)
- Quality control & tracking (24)
- Relocation (7456)