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Business services
The business service industry provides the core business skills and knowledge required for a high performing workplace.It covers an array of expertise, including customer contact, business administration, business management, business information and human resource management.
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Business services > Human resources 
person–job fit
Business administration; Human resources
The extent to which the personality of an individual fits harmoniously with the job he or she does. On the goodness of fit between the two will depend the crucial factors of work, ...
job mobility
Business administration; Human resources
The extent to which workers are prepared to change job, especially if a change requires geographical relocation.
interpersonal attraction
Business administration; Human resources
The general term for an area of social psychology concerned with why people are attracted to each other. For a more specific term see gain–loss theory of interpersonal ...
Business administration; Human resources
Giving the employees a lot of freedom while doing the job and the authority to decide how to finish the tasks.
quality of life
Business administration; Human resources
The general well-being of a society in terms of its political freedom, natural environment, education, healthcare, safety, amount of leisure and rewards that add to personal ...
agile organization
Business services; Human resources
Also known as agile manufacturing, this is a term applied to an organization that has created the processes, tools, and training to enable it to respond quickly to customer needs ...
Business services; Human resources
The extent to which a contractor's or employer's facility is readily approachable and does not inhibit the mobility of individuals with disabilities, particularly such areas as ...

- Business intelligence (2091)
- Consulting (791)
- Customer management (453)
- Education & training (844)
- Event planning (651)
- Human resources (6265)
- International business (895)
- Marketing (6292)
- Merchant services (0)
- Mergers & acquisitions (3237)
- Office services (413)
- Personnel (383)
- Pest control (240)
- Project management (6753)
- Public relations (1666)
- Quality control & tracking (24)
- Relocation (7456)