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Business services
The business service industry provides the core business skills and knowledge required for a high performing workplace.It covers an array of expertise, including customer contact, business administration, business management, business information and human resource management.
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Business services > Human resources 
cost leadership
Business services; Human resources
A strategy of becoming the lowest-cost producer in its industry.
cyclical unemployment
Business services; Human resources
A form of unemployment – rises in times of economic recession and falls in times of prosperity. Now shows signs of being able to withstand increased prosperity.
observation interview
Business services; Human resources
The process of observing employees while performing their respective jobs or tasks used to collect data regarding specific jobs or tasks.
Business services; Human resources
A relatively new term, it is more far reaching than historical orientation programs It links new employees with team members very early in the employment process and continuing ...
Business services; Human resources
Occupational health and safety – the law relating to the health and safety of personnel at work.
organizational culture
Business services; Human resources
A pattern that emerges from the interlocking system of the beliefs, values and Behavioral expectations of all the members of an organization.
Business services; Human resources
The introduction of employees to their jobs, co-workers, and the organization by providing them with information regarding such items as policies, procedures, company history, ...

- Business intelligence (2091)
- Consulting (791)
- Customer management (453)
- Education & training (844)
- Event planning (651)
- Human resources (6265)
- International business (895)
- Marketing (6292)
- Merchant services (0)
- Mergers & acquisitions (3237)
- Office services (413)
- Personnel (383)
- Pest control (240)
- Project management (6753)
- Public relations (1666)
- Quality control & tracking (24)
- Relocation (7456)