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Business services
The business service industry provides the core business skills and knowledge required for a high performing workplace.It covers an array of expertise, including customer contact, business administration, business management, business information and human resource management.
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Business services > Human resources 
restrictive covenant
Business services; Human resources
A contract clause requiring executives or other highly skilled employees to refrain from seeking and obtaining employment with competitor organizations in a specific geographical ...
return on investment (ROI)
Business services; Human resources
A ratio of the benefit or profit derived from a specific investment compared to the cost of the investment itself.
right to manage
Business services; Human resources
The ‘right’ of management to make decisions and to run an organization without interference from external or internal forces.
risk management
Business services; Human resources
The use of insurance and other strategies in an effort to minimize an organization’s exposure to liability in the event a loss or injury occurs.
strategic hrm
Business services; Human resources
The process of aligning human resources more closely to the strategic and operating objectives of the organization.
strategic planning
Business services; Human resources
The process of identifying an organization's long-term goals and objectives and then determining the best approach for achieving those goals and objectives.
succession planning
Business services; Human resources
In the context of human resource planning, a process by which an organization seeks to identify and develop candidates with the potential to take over management positions when ...

- Business intelligence (2091)
- Consulting (791)
- Customer management (453)
- Education & training (844)
- Event planning (651)
- Human resources (6265)
- International business (895)
- Marketing (6292)
- Merchant services (0)
- Mergers & acquisitions (3237)
- Office services (413)
- Personnel (383)
- Pest control (240)
- Project management (6753)
- Public relations (1666)
- Quality control & tracking (24)
- Relocation (7456)