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The art, trade, or work of building.

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Construction > Home remodeling

door sweep

Construction; Home remodeling

Seals the bottom of an exterior door, preventing drafts, water, noise, light and insects. Usually made of aluminum extrusions with vinyl flaps.

door jamb weather strip

Construction; Home remodeling

Used to seal the sides and top of a door to shut out drafts and insects. Available in a variety of forms, including roll-formed and extruded aluminum with vinyl bulbs or flaps.

door buck

Construction; Home remodeling

The rough frame of a door.

dimmer switch

Construction; Home remodeling

Controls the amount of current in a light circuit and allows for varying levels of light.

dial calipers

Construction; Home remodeling

A Tool used for measuring inside and outside diameters of cylinder-shaped objects, such as drill bits and pipe. The dial readout provides accurate measurements in 1/64” or ...

delayed action switch

Construction; Home remodeling

keeps the circuit open for a few minutes after the switch is turned off. A good use is in a garage where, after the user turns off the switch, it allows the light to remain on in ...

cutting pliers

Construction; Home remodeling

Comes in side, end or diagonal types. Side cutters have a cutting blade on one side only and are available in long-, curved- and short-nose types. End cutting nippers have cutting ...