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The art, trade, or work of building.

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Construction > Roads


Construction; Roads

Section of road that is passable by car, with a shape elongated parallel to the road, intended to separate the traffic direction with different speeds.

number struktual

Construction; Roads

Index derived from the analysis of traffic, subgrade condition, and the environment that can be converted into a thick layer of pavement using the coefficient of relative power ...


Construction; Roads

Terkelupasnya asphalt aggregate of the items on the asphalt mixture.

paved mixture stability

Construction; Roads

The maximum load that can be received an asphalt mixture specimen until the collapse.

road stabilization materials directly in place

Construction; Roads

The process of mixing of the existing road at the location of the work in the field, the binder and water by using mechanical equipment or manually.

asphalt control unit

Construction; Roads

Tool located in the tank to control the supply of asphalt scales asphalt into the mixer (pugmill).

tile dome

Construction; Roads

Tiles that warn blind people of the change from the sidewalk toward the surface for vehicular traffic. Tile surface form is the presence of several prominent dome so easily ...