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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Geology

Hubble Space Telescope (HST)

Earth science; Geology

A 98 inch, Earth orbiting reflecting space telescope which is equipped with infrared, x-ray and other electromagnetic sensors. Named after famous American astronomer, Edwin ...


Earth science; Geology

Uneven; describing a terrain abounding in irregular knolls, mounds, or other small elevations.

hydrologic system

Earth science; Geology

Water cycling during past wet episodes on Mars would have had many components. A thick atmosphere most likely carried a substantial amount of water evaporated from lakes and seas. ...


Earth science; Geology

The waters of the Earth, including surface and subsurface water. All the oceans, snow, ice and glaciers.


Earth science; Geology

A common rock forming mineral of the orthopyroxene group, (Mg,Fe)SiO 3 . It is isomorphous with enstatite. It is an essential constituent of many igneous rocks.

ice age

Earth science; Geology

A loosely used synonym for glacial epoch, or time of extensive glacial activity.

ice shelves

Earth science; Geology

A sheet of very thick ice with a level or gently undulating surface, which is attached to the land along one side but most of which is afloat and bounded on the seaward side by a ...