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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Seismology

Basin and Range

Earth science; Seismology

An area of the southwestern United States characterized by roughly parallel mountain ranges and valleys, formed by a series of tilted fault blocks, and brought about by tectonic ...

blind thrust fault

Earth science; Seismology

A shallow-dipping reverse fault which terminates before it reaches the surface. When it breaks, therefore, it may produce uplift, but never any clear surface rupture. Many ...

conjugate (faults)

Earth science; Seismology

Describes a pair of intersecting (or nearly intersecting) faults, the slip motions of which are opposite (e.g., right-lateral and left-lateral), so as to accomodate the rotation ...


Earth science; Seismology

A detachment fault; a fault where crustal deformation causes separation along a boundary of rock types, typically between so-called crystalline "basement" rock and overlying ...

dip slip

Earth science; Seismology

Fault movement (slip) that is parallel to the dip of the fault. This can describe both normal slip and reverse slip.

surface rupture

Earth science; Seismology

The breakage of ground along the surface trace of a fault caused by the intersection of the fault surface area ruptured in an earthquake with the Earth's surface.

surface trace

Earth science; Seismology

The intersection of a fault plane with the surface of the Earth. It is sometimes, but not always, expressed at the surface by geomorphic evidence (ridges, valleys, saddles, etc.).