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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Seismology

reverse fault

Earth science; Seismology

A fault in which the displacement is predominantly vertical, and the hanging wall is moved upward with respect to the footwall. Some amount of reverse slip is often seen in ...

Richter scale

Earth science; Seismology

Introduced in 1935 by Charles F. Richter, the Richter scale is a numerical scale for quantifying earthquake magnitude -- typically it refers to local magnitude, but for larger ...

seismic zone (or seismic belt)

Earth science; Seismology

A region of the Earth's crust, generally linear, associated with active seismicity. It may not necessarily be connected with a particular fault or surface fault trace.

sense of slip

Earth science; Seismology

The sense with which one side of a fault slips relative to the other side, in a reference frame defined by a horizontal (level) plane oriented with the pull of Earth's gravity ...


Earth science; Seismology

The direction, or trend, of the line marking the intersection of a fault plane (or another planar geologic feature) with the horizontal. Strike is always at a right angle to dip.