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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Entertainment > Video

burn in time code

Entertainment; Video

A time code that is displayed on the monitor along with the video it pertains to. Burn In Time Code can either be Vertical Interval Time Code (VITC) or Longitudinal Time Code ...

compression factor

Entertainment; Video

Ratio of input bit rate to output (compressed) bit rate. Like Compression Ratio.


Entertainment; Video

The combination of camera and video tape recorder in one device. Camcorders permit easy and rapid photography and recording simultaneously. Camcorders are available in most home ...


Entertainment; Video

A fixed value.

burned-in image

Entertainment; Video

An image which persists in a fixed position in the output signal of a camera tube after the camera has been turned to a different scene.

compression ratio

Entertainment; Video

A value that indicates by what factor an image file has been reduced after compression. If a 1 MB image file is compressed to 500 KB, the compression ratio would be a factor of 2. ...

camera analysis

Entertainment; Video

The measurement and evaluation of the spectral sensitivities of the three color channels of a television camera. The camera and matrixing are identified and measured.
