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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Entertainment > Video

constant luminance principle

Entertainment; Video

A rule of composite color television that any change in color not accompanied by a change in brightness should not have any effect on the brightness of the image displayed on a ...


Entertainment; Video

A small reference packet of the subcarrier sine wave, typically 8 or 9 cycles, which is sent on every line of video. Since the carrier is suppressed, this phase and frequency ...

compression, quasi-lossless

Entertainment; Video

Bit-rate reduction of an image signal, by an algorithm recognizing the high degree of correlation ascertainable in specific images. The reproduced image does not replicate the ...

camera control unit

Entertainment; Video

Remote control device for video cameras usually placed in the editing suite. Controls usually include video levels, color balancing, and iris control.

constant shading

Entertainment; Video

The simplest shading type is constant. The color of a constant shaded polygon’s interior pixels is always the same, regardless of the polygon’s orientation with respect to the ...

burst gate

Entertainment; Video

This signal tells the receiver valid color ready for use.


Entertainment; Video

One who controls the compression process to produce results better than would be normally expected from an automated system.
