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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Entertainment > Video

bi-phase sync

Entertainment; Video

Bi-phase is an older synchronization technology used in the film industry. Typically, the clock was derived from a box that hung off of large film mag recorders. This box emitted ...

A-time (absolute time)

Entertainment; Video

Elapsed time, referenced to the program start (00:00:00), on a DVD. A-time is measured in minutes, seconds, and frames.


Entertainment; Video

See Asynchronous Transfer Mode.

A-to-D converter (ADC)

Entertainment; Video

a) A circuit that uses digital sampling to convert an analog signal into a digital representation of that signal. An ADC for digitizing video must be capable of sampling at 10 to ...

Audio Engineering Society (AES)

Entertainment; Video

The official association of technical personnel, scientists, engineers, and executives in the audio field. Of potential interest in electronic production are the following: SC-2, ...

chroma corrector

Entertainment; Video

A device used to correct problems related to the chroma of the video signal, as well as color balance and color noise.

cross-sectional modeling

Entertainment; Video

This type of modeling is also a boundary representation method available in PictureMaker. The artist can define an object’s cross-section, and then extrude in the longitudinal ...
