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The art or field of entertaining, especially that provided by performers.

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Entertainment > Video


Entertainment; Video

a) An editing term meaning to bring all source and record VTRs to the predetermined edit point plus pre-roll time. b) An audio mixer function that allows the user to hear an audio ...

chroma flutter

Entertainment; Video

A rapid coherent variation in the chroma saturation.

cue control

Entertainment; Video

A switch that temporarily disables a recorder’s Tape Lifters during fast forward and rewind so the operator can judge what portion of the recording is passing the heads.

back porch

Entertainment; Video

a) The portion of the video signal that lies between the trailing edge of the horizontal sync pulse and the start of the active picture time. Burst is located on the back porch. ...

chroma format

Entertainment; Video

Defines the number of chrominance blocks in a macroblock.


Entertainment; Video

Curvature of a tape in the lateral direction. Cupping may occur because of improper drying or curing of the coating or because of differences between the coefficients of thermal ...

back porch tilt

Entertainment; Video

The slope of the back porch from its normal horizontal position. Positive or negative refer respectively to upward or downward tilt to the right.
