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Of or pertaining to the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.

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Law > General law


Law; General law

Decapitation is where a part of human body above the neck is severed from the trunk. Such kind of a punishment is mainly in the middle east countries.


Law; General law

A person, who is no longer alive.


Law; General law

A deed is a instrument in written form, executed in the manner specified by some person or corporation named in the instrument, wherein it expresses that the person or corporation ...


Law; General law

The word 'deemed' is used a great deal in modern legislation. Sometimes, it is used to impose for the purposes of a statute an artificial construction of a word or phrase that ...

de facto

Law; General law

In simple terms, it means 'in fact'. Even when it is not a legal or formal authority or right, some rights are recognized as de facto rights. For example: A de facto guardian is ...


Law; General law

A false statement either spoken or written, or is published or intended to be read by others, which can cause harm to a person's reputation is called defamation. If a statement ...

defamatory libel

Law; General law

When a false statement is made (either written or printed), which harms the reputation or status of a person, and is without legal justification.