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Legal services

The services involving law-related matters such as the issuing of legal opinion,filing and pleading, as well as the issuing and defending of law suits among many others.

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Legal services > DNA forensics

signal to noise ratio

Legal services; DNA forensics

A measure of signal strength relative to background noise.


Legal services; DNA forensics

Of the same substance or structure throughout; homogeneous; having a marked resemblance or likeness; of a like nature or kind.

simple sequence repeats (SSR)

Legal services; DNA forensics

A sequence consisting largely of a tandem repeat of a specific k-mer (such as (CA)15). Many SSRs are polymorphic and have been widely used in genetic mapping.

short INterspersed element (SINE)

Legal services; DNA forensics

A type of small dispersed repetitive DNA sequence (e.g. Alu family in the human genome) found throughout a eukaryotic genome.

single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

Legal services; DNA forensics

DNA sequence variations that occur at a single nucleotide (A,T,C,or G).

single source profile

Legal services; DNA forensics

A DNA profile where only one individual has contributed biologic material.

single-use equipment

Legal services; DNA forensics

Items that will be used only once to collect evidence, such as biological samples, then discarded to minimize contamination (e.g., tweezers, scalpel blades, droppers).