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Legal services
The services involving law-related matters such as the issuing of legal opinion,filing and pleading, as well as the issuing and defending of law suits among many others.
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Legal services > DNA forensics 
Y-short tandem repeats (Y-STR)
Legal services; DNA forensics
Human Y-short tandem repeats (STRs) are short tandem repeat arrays of two to seven base pair units on non-recombining region (NRY) of the human Y chromosome. Studies on Y-STR are ...
Legal services; DNA forensics
Also known as sodium lauroylsarcosine. A detergent used in DNA extraction.
scientific method
Legal services; DNA forensics
The principles and empirical processes of discovery and demonstration necessary for scientific investigation. These processes generally involve the observation of phenomena, the ...
Legal services; DNA forensics
Scales are plate-like structures composed of keratin that overlap to form the cuticle.
state DNA index system (SDIS)
Legal services; DNA forensics
State DNA index system containing the state-level DNA records uploaded from local laboratory sites within the state. SDIS is the state's repository of DNA identification records ...
Legal services; DNA forensics
The fluid (ejaculate) that is released through the penis during orgasm. Semen is made up of sperm from the testicles and other fluid from other sex glands.
sequence heteroplasmy
Legal services; DNA forensics
Presence of mtDNA molecules that have different nucleotides at the same address.

- ADR & mediation (198)
- Bankruptcy (393)
- Commerical law (754)
- Courts (27875)
- Criminal (710)
- DNA forensics (17285)
- Family & divorce (262)
- Family law (5743)
- General law (42674)
- Intellectual property (136)
- Legal aid (criminal) (1563)
- Patent & trademark (6450)
- Personal injury (160)
- Real estate & residential (333)
- Regulations (1693)
- Wills & probate (1010)