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Oil & gas

Terms concerning oil and gas as a fossil fuel and natural resource.

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Oil & gas > Drilling

API cement

Oil & gas; Drilling

One of several classes of cement manufactured to the specifications of the American Petroleum Institute (API) Specification 10A. Classes of API cement are A, B, C, D, E, F, G and ...

aliphatic compound

Oil & gas; Drilling

One of a group of organic compounds of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) in which the carbon atoms have linear, branched chain (open), or both types of structures. Aliphatics, as they ...

milligrams per kilogram

Oil & gas; Drilling

On the basis of weight, the equivalent of parts per million, usually applied to small amounts of one solid admixed with another solid, such as 100 mg/kg of siderite in barite, the ...

Texas deck

Oil & gas; Drilling

On an offshore jackup drilling rig, the deck below the rotary table and rig floor where workers can access the BOP stack. This platform surrounds the base of the BOP stack and is ...

milligrams per liter

Oil & gas; Drilling

On a weight per volume basis, the SI unit of concentration, abbreviated mg/L, usually applied to dissolved material in a solution. This unit is used in water analyses and in mud ...


Oil & gas; Drilling

Noun form of circulate.


Oil & gas; Drilling

Oilfield slang term for rope not made of steel, such as nylon, cotton, or especially standard manila hemp rope.