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Of or pertaining to the art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.

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Photography > Lenses

aspherical lens

Photography; Lenses

A lens with a curved, non-spherical surface. Used to reduce aberrations and achieve a more compact lens size. With a spherical lens, rays travelling from the lens periphery create ...

chromatic aberration

Photography; Lenses

The inability of a lens to bring all light wavelengths (particularly red & blue) into the same plane of focus, thus causing overall blur. Usually found in regular large-aperture ...

f-numbers or f-stops

Photography; Lenses

Numbers on the lens aperture ring and the camera's LCD (where applicable) that indicate the size of lens aperture. The lower the number the larger the aperture. As the scale ...


Photography; Lenses

One or more pieces of optical glass or similar material designed to collect and transfer rays of light to form a sharp image on film, paper or a projection screen. In practical ...

lens speed

Photography; Lenses

The largest aperture(smallest F-stop) at which a lens can be set. Fast lenses transmit more light and have larger openings than slow lenses. Determined by the maximum aperture in ...

single-lens-reflex (slr) camera

Photography; Lenses

Light entering the camera through the lens is reflected up by a mirror behind the lens onto a ground glass screen above. This screen is viewed through the viewfinder and a glass ...

anamorphic lens

Photography; Lenses

A lens which compresses a wide-angle view onto a standard frame.