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Of or pertaining to the art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.

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Photography > Photography techniques


Photography; Photography techniques

Perspective in photography can be defined as the sense of depth or spatial relationships between objects in the photo, along with their dimensions with respect to the viewpoint ...

geometric point

Photography; Photography techniques

A geometric point can be defined as a geometric element that has a position but no dimensions and is pictured as a small dot. Although the geometric point is invisible, when using ...

secondary focal point

Photography; Photography techniques

The secondary focal point is the visual point which grabs less attention than the primary focal point. While the primary focal point is the subject of the photograph, the ...

point of interest

Photography; Photography techniques

The point of interest is the gravitating aspect that will draw the viewers to a certain point of the picture. It is the most basic element in a photograph. At the same time, it ...

Vantage point

Photography; Photography techniques

A vantage point is used in linear perspective as a stationary point from which a viewer is related to the object/figure being rendered. It can be thought of as the point of ...

dominant subject

Photography; Photography techniques

The dominant subject in photography is the main subject in a picture placed at the center of the frame so that there is space at the top and at the bottom. The space at the top is ...

primary focal point

Photography; Photography techniques

There can be more than just one focal point in a photograph. A photograph can have a primary focal point, a secondary focal point and even a third focal point. The primary focal ...