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Of or pertaining to the art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.

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Photography > Photography techniques

Zoom Lens

Photography; Photography techniques

Lens whose focal length (mm) can be changed continuously within a set range. It is like having several single focal length lenses in one lens.

Slow Sync

Photography; Photography techniques

Opens the shutter longer than normal, then fires the flash, thus lighting the foreground by flash but also correctly exposing the background.

Telephoto Lens

Photography; Photography techniques

Lenses whose focal length is longer than 50mm. Such lenses are effective for shooting faraway subjects, making them look closer. They also have a narrow depth of field, making the ...


Photography; Photography techniques

Small images shown on the camera's LCD monitor or personal computer screen serving as a visual index to images.


Photography; Photography techniques

Computer file format used to store bit-mapped graphic images; represented as dots in rows and columns. TIFF file names end with the designation .TIF. TIFF files can store images ...

Tilt Shift Lens

Photography; Photography techniques

This is a perspective control lens that allows the photographer to control the appearance of perspective by re-orientating the lens in relationship to the sensor, mimicking ...

Tonal Range

Photography; Photography techniques

A term used to describe the tone ranging from an image’s darkest shadow through to the brightest highlight details, including all of the transitions in between.