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Professional careers

Relating ot he various professional career paths or positions that exist.

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Professional careers > Sales

concentrated segmentation strategy

Professional careers; Sales

One of four possible segmentation strategies (with market segment expansion strategy, product line expansion strategy and differentiated segmentation strategy), in a concentrated ...

product line expansion strategy

Professional careers; Sales

One of four possible segmentation strategies (with concentrated segmentation strategy, market segment expansion strategy and differentiated segmentation strategy) available to a ...

market segment expansion strategy

Professional careers; Sales

One of four possible market segmentation approaches (with concentrated segmentation strategy, product line expansion strategy and differentiated segmentation strategy) available ...

through-the-mail offers

Professional careers; Sales

Offers which are generally self-liquidating for the company offering them, save upc labels, proof of purchase, and send money for shipping and handling to receive "free ...

differentiated segmentation strategy

Professional careers; Sales

One of four possible approaches (with concentrated segmentation strategy, market segment expansion strategy and product line expansion strategy) available to a firm in relation to ...

on target expectations (OTE)

Professional careers; Sales

Used in employment ads when referencing income potential.

opening benefit statement

Professional careers; Sales

Obs - traditionally an initial impact statement for sales people to use at first contact with a prospect, in writing, on the phone, or face-to-face, it generally encapsulates the ...