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Real estate
Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.
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Real estate > Contracts 
The National Court Register
Law; Contracts
The Legal act of National Court Register (KRS) of 20 August 1997 (Journal of Laws, 1997, No 121, Item 769 as amended) establishes uniform registration procedures, common for all ...
fixed price contract with provision for re-determination of price
Law; Contracts
Alternative term for fixed price re-determinable contract.
fixed price incentive contract
Law; Contracts
Type of fixed price contract which provides for the adjustment of the contract price and profit. Amount of this adjustment is determined by a formula based on the relationship ...
fixed price contract with price escalation
Law; Contracts
Type of fixed-price contract which provides for upward revision of the stated contract price if certain price fluctuations (specifically defined in the contract) occur.

- Commercial (226)
- Contracts (13098)
- Corporate (746)
- Home improvement (1576)
- Mortgage (522)
- Residential (169)