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Real estate
Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.
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Real estate > Contracts 
feasibility phase
Law; Contracts
That precedes the design phase and in which the project concept is examined from different perspectives to assess the advisability of proceeding with it.
fast tracking
Law; Contracts
To do more things in the same time in order to finish a job earlier than normal or planned. It is the process of reducing the number of sequential relationships and replacing them ...
fair trade
Law; Contracts
A movement which strives for fair treatment for farmers. In a fair trade agreement, farmers, who in other situations might be more susceptible to the will of the purchaser, will ...
failure of consideration
Law; Contracts
Situation involving a contract between two parties where one fails to fulfill their end of the deal. The other party may have a restitution or unjust enrichment claim to recover.
failed trade
Law; Contracts
Transaction that does not settle on the contracted settlement date. This generally happens where the parties disagree on whether the delivered item meets the agreed upon ...
exemption clause
Law; Contracts
Provision in a contract under which one party (usually the one which drafted the agreement) is protected from being sued by the other party for damages, loss, negligence, ...

- Commercial (226)
- Contracts (13098)
- Corporate (746)
- Home improvement (1576)
- Mortgage (522)
- Residential (169)