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Real estate
Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.
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Real estate > Contracts 
exculpatory clause
Law; Contracts
A provision in a contract under which either of two things is stipulated: (1) one party is relieved of any blame or liability arising from the other party's wrongdoing, or (2) one ...
exclusive listing
Law; Contracts
Formal agreement under which a real estate agent has the sole right to sell a specified property, usually within three months. During this period the seller cannot list the ...
exclusive license
Law; Contracts
License limited to a specific scope or field, such as context, market, territory, or time. 'Exclusive' does not mean 'one and only' license granted, but only that the licensor ...
exclusive distribution
Law; Contracts
Situation where suppliers and distributors enter into an exclusive agreement that only allows the named distributor to sell a specific product. For example, Apple had an exclusive ...
exclusive agreement
Law; Contracts
A type of agreement whereby a person is made to be the sole agent for selling a particular product or service within a specific market or demographic area.

- Commercial (226)
- Contracts (13098)
- Corporate (746)
- Home improvement (1576)
- Mortgage (522)
- Residential (169)