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Real estate

Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.

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Real estate > Contracts

procurement requirement

Law; Contracts

Estimated number or amount of an item (or group of items) from which number or amount on-order as well as on-hand is deducted.

procuring authority

Law; Contracts

Entity designated and authorized to issue purchase orders and to coordinate purchasing activities.

partial settlement

Law; Contracts

Fulfillment, performance, or satisfaction of a severable part of a contract (see severable contract) or claim, evidenced by a partial settlement agreement.

partial termination

Law; Contracts

Cessation of a portion of the work that was supposed to be performed under the terms of a contract.

participating risk

Law; Contracts

Probability of loss due to failure of the other party (or parties) to a contract to perform as required.

particular lien

Law; Contracts

Claim that requires satisfaction of a debt only in respect to the goods or property in possession of a lienor. For example, an unpaid auto mechanic has a lien on the repaired ...

partner's lien

Law; Contracts

Partner's right to apply the contributions of all other partners towards the partnership's debts, and to deduct such debts from what is owed to the partners by the partnership.