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Real estate

Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.

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Real estate > Contracts

piggyback right

Law; Contracts

Provision in a contract whereby one party can imitate the actions of the other. For example, if one party brings in outside investors the other party can follow suit.

planning factor

Law; Contracts

Relationship between different activities and/or quantities reduced to a mathematical formula, for convenience in budgeting, estimating, or planning.

planning estimate

Law; Contracts

Cost estimate developed on the basis of available information and, in absence of a pricing study, with the use of experience-based formulas or planning-factors. These estimates ...

planning horizon

Law; Contracts

Period covered by a particular plan or a firm's planning cycle. In general, its length is dictated by the degree of uncertainty in the external environment: higher the ...

planning package

Law; Contracts

Complete set of plans that serves as the basis for allocation of budgeted amount to the cost accounts, following adoption of a plan or award of a contract.

qualification requirement

Law; Contracts

Qualifying criteria that must be met before a contract is awarded or a certain office, position, privilege, or right is acquired or granted.

qualification test

Law; Contracts

Systematic examination performed to ascertain if an entity or item is capable of meeting necessary requirements.