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Real estate

Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.

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Real estate > Contracts


Law; Contracts

Entity that has acquired a recognized certificate, degree, or professional standing and/or has demonstrated the ability to handle and successfully completes qualifying tasks.

qualified bidder

Law; Contracts

Potential bidder who meets the minimum standards of experience, financial ability, managerial ability, reputation, and work history for a specified class of goods, services, or ...

qualified equipment

Law; Contracts

That is certified by appropriate authority as conforming to the relevant specifications and safety requirements.

naked contract

Law; Contracts

Agreement without a consideration, hence just a promise. Naked agreements (unless made by a deed) are not binding in law, and are called 'nudum pactum' (Latin for, naked contract) ...

negotiated agreement

Law; Contracts

This is an alternative term for negotiated contract.

negotiated procedure

Law; Contracts

Method of obtaining bids under which only chosen suppliers are invited to negotiate a contract. This procedure is used usually in special cases such as in situations of ...

negotiated contract

Law; Contracts

Contract awarded on the basis of a direct agreement with a contractor, without going through the competitive bidding process.