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Real estate

Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.

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Real estate > Contracts

modification order

Law; Contracts

This is an alternative term for change order.

modular bill of materials

Law; Contracts

That indicates what options (and their variations) are available for each listed item (material).

most favored customer

Law; Contracts

Price protection clause in a supply contract under which the seller cannot offer a lower price to other customers without offering the same price to the contracting customer.

multi-step competitive bidding

Law; Contracts

A phased procurement process in which un-priced technical proposals are offered from a variety of prospective bidders for a specific job or proposed contract. This is done before ...

multilateral agreement

Law; Contracts

Accord among three or more parties, agencies, or national governments. Such agreement between two such parties is called bilateral agreement.

multiple award

Law; Contracts

Award of separate (partial) contracts to two or more bidders for the same item, where the award of a single contract would be impractical or impossible.

mutual mistake

Law; Contracts

Situation where all parties to a contract misunderstand one another. Superficial mutual mistakes have no effect on the validity of a contract, but fundamental mutual mistakes void ...