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Real estate

Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.

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Real estate > Contracts

implied notice

Law; Contracts

Cognizance of facts inferred from the knowledge a party is known to have, or would have if it had followed-up on the facts known to it.

implied trust

Law; Contracts

Trust that arises from the un-expressed and presumed intentions (inferred from a trustor's conduct, language, or relationships), or is enforced by a court as a result of ...

implied term

Law; Contracts

Provision in a contract that is not directly stated in written or spoken words but is introduced into the contract (1) by the courts as necessary to give effect to the obvious ...

implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose

Law; Contracts

Under the principle of implied warranty, products (goods or services) must be fit for the 'ordinary' use for which they are intended. But where the seller (or provider or ...

implied warranty

Law; Contracts

Integral part of every normal sales transaction, implied warranty is conferred by custom or law, and has the same effect as an express-warranty. Unless clearly negated through ...

implied-in-law contract

Law; Contracts

Fictional contract imposed by a court as a legal remedy to prevent injustice. It is forced in favor of the wronged party, and against the party that obtains an undue advantage or ...

implied-in-fact contract

Law; Contracts

Contract automatically created when a party tacitly accepts a benefit at a time when it is possible to reject it. For example, if a seller ships goods without a customer's order, ...