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Real estate

Of or pertaining to property of land and the buildings on it. This also includes any minerals, crops, or any other natural resource. The business of real estate is the buying, selling, or renting property.

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Real estate > Contracts

maturity date

Law; Contracts

Date on which a contractual agreement, financial instrument, guaranty, insurance policy, loan, or offer becomes due for settlement. Also called redemption date for investments. ...

mechanic's lien

Law; Contracts

Claim on the improved property by the contractor, subcontractors, laborers, and material suppliers for the monies owed to them. In general, a mechanic's lien takes precedence over ...

hold harmless clause

Law; Contracts

A provision in an agreement under which one or both parties agree not to hold the other party responsible for any loss, damage, or legal liability. In effect, this clause ...

hold order

Law; Contracts

Instructions to temporarily suspend an activity initiated by a previous order.


Law; Contracts

1. General: (1) Sum of money that remains unpaid until certain conditions are met. (2) Sum of money kept as a reserve to cover certain contingencies. 2. Banking: (1) Portion of a ...

horizontal agreement

Law; Contracts

An agreement between competing businesses operating in the same economic sphere in which information on pricing, technology, and products is shared to create greater efficiencies ...

horizontal discount

Law; Contracts

A type of discount that advertising companies offer to their customers in return for a commitment to advertise over a long period of time.