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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religion > Judaism


Religion; Judaism

A sweet, eggy, yellow bread, usually braided, which is served on Shabbat and holidays, confusingly named for the commandment to set aside a portion of the dough from any bread.

Chaim Weitzman

Religion; Judaism

A founder of the Zionist political movement, and the first president of the State of Israel.


Religion; Judaism

Lit. Living or life. The word is often used as a design on jewelry and other ornaments. Donations to charity are often made in multiples of 18, the numerical value of the word.

chag sameach

Religion; Judaism

Hebrew. Literally, joyous festival. A greeting for any holiday, but especially Sukkot, Shavu'ot and Pesach (Passover). See Common Expressions and Greetings.

Captain Alfred Dreyfus

Religion; Judaism

A Jewish officer in the French military who was unjustly convicted of passing secrets to the Germans. His trial sparked a wave of anti-Jewish sentiment that inspired the early ...


Religion; Judaism

Judaism uses a lunar/solar calendar consisting of months that begin at the new moon. Each year has 12 or 13 months, to keep it in sync with the solar year. See Jewish Calendar; ...

burnt offering

Religion; Judaism

A type of sacrifice that represented complete submission to G-d's will. It was completely consumed by fire on the altar. In Hebrew, it was called an olah.