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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religion > Judaism


Religion; Judaism

Under Jewish law, the dead must be buried in the earth, not cremated, and must be buried in a simple coffin, simply dressed. See Care for the Dead.


Religion; Judaism

A prayer beginning with the phrase "barukh atah. . . " (blessed art Thou. . . ). See Prayers and Blessings; Common Prayers and Blessings.

brit milah

Religion; Judaism

Lit. Covenant of circumcision. The ritual circumcision of a male Jewish child on the 8th day of his life or of a male convert to Judaism. Frequently referred to as a bris.

B'nei Noach

Religion; Judaism

A movement of non-Jews who have consciously accepted the responsibility of following the Seven Laws of Noah.

B'nai Mitzvah

Religion; Judaism

Lit. Children of the commandment. Plural of Bar Mitzvah. Children who have achieved the age of 13 and are consequently obligated to observe the commandments. Also, a ceremony ...

block print

Religion; Judaism

A style of writing the Hebrew Alphabet, commonly used in books.


Religion; Judaism

Yiddish. A thin, crepe-like pancake rolled around a filling of potato and onion, cheese, or fruit.