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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Golf

cut shot

Sports; Golf

This puts backspin on the ball so when it lands it either stops very quickly or it might even move backwards from where it landed. Used when hitting a ball unto the green.


Sports; Golf

the round indentations on a golf ball cover


Sports; Golf

A slice of grass or turf that is taken out of the course when a ball is hit. It is good golf course etiquette to replace or fix divots.


Sports; Golf

scoring an 'eight' on any single golf hole


Sports; Golf

A description of a hole where the fairway goes either to the left or right and prevents the golfer from being able to see the green from the tee area.

dog license

Sports; Golf

a defeat in match play by the margin of 7&6


Sports; Golf

This is a descriptive word meaning that a team cannot lose a match against another team. This is because the number holes remaining to be played is the same as the lead the team ...