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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Golf

ten finger grip

Sports; Golf

grip style with all ten fingers on the golf club

teeing ground

Sports; Golf

Where players begin each hole. Usually shortened and just called the tee or maybe prefaced with the number of the hole, i.e. the first tee.

through line

Sports; Golf

this is the imaginary path that a golf ball would travel if the ball goes beyond the hole

thin shot

Sports; Golf

a poor golf shot where the club head strikes too high on the ball

through the green

Sports; Golf

The total area of the golf course except for the teeing ground of the hole being played, the green of the hole being played, and all hazards on the course.


Sports; Golf

This is when championship tees are done on a golf course.


Sports; Golf

To hit a ball above it's center causing it to be hit and roll on the ground as opposed to flying through the air.