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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Golf

get legs

Sports; Golf

A term used by golfers to persuade the ball to roll into the cup when they think it might not make it. The ball never listens, but this does not stop golfers from talking to the ...


Sports; Golf

A ball that is so close to the hole that the opposing player concedes that you will make the shot.

go to school

Sports; Golf

This happens when putting. One player will watch another players ball move along the green, in order to help them know which way they should hit their ball when it their turn to ...

golf balls

Sports; Golf

The kind of ball used to play golf with.

grand slam

Sports; Golf

The US Open, British Open, Augusta: The Masters and the PGA Championships are known as the grand slam and only five players have won all four, Ben Hogan, Gene Sarazen, Jack ...


Sports; Golf

A kind of material that is used to make golf club shafts and golf club heads.


Sports; Golf

A term describing a shot that is low and fast just going over the top of the grass. Not meant to be complimentary.