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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Golf

wrong ball

Sports; Golf

A ball that a golfer plays that is not the ball they started the hole with.

yardage chart

Sports; Golf

This is a card that shows the layout and yardage of each hole on the golf course.

yardage marker

Sports; Golf

A sign that is in the tee area that tells the golfer the yardage of the hole.

yardage rating

Sports; Golf

This is a measure of the stroke index of the hole. A hole with an index 18 being is the easiest on the course number 1 is the most difficult.


Sports; Golf

To miss very easy putts because of being nervous. The yips are a sudden jerking or twitching movement. It has been studied by doctors and seems to be a neurological condition, ...


Sports; Golf

A shot that starts to go outside and then moves back inside. For a right-handed golfer the shot starts out to the right and the moves back to the left.


Sports; Golf

A player who keeps a falsely high handicap so he can win bets.