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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Golf

St. Andrews Foursome

Sports; Golf

An alternate shot tournament format with two two-man teams in each foursome, each player hits a tee shot, then the best tee shot of each two-man team is selected and the other ...


Sports; Golf

An alternate shot tournament format with two two-man teams in each foursome, each player hits a tee shot, then the best tee shot of each two-man team is selected and the other ...


Sports; Golf

An alternate shot tournament format with two two-man teams in each foursome, each player hits a tee shot, then the best tee shot of each two-man team is selected and the other ...

cover the flag

Sports; Golf

An approach shot that is precisely on line, heading directly toward the flagstick. Example: She saw her 5 iron shot on the 14th hole cover the flag/pin the whole way until it ...

cover the pin

Sports; Golf

An approach shot that is precisely on line, heading directly toward the flagstick. Example: She saw her 5 iron shot on the 14th hole cover the flag/pin the whole way until it ...

practice range

Sports; Golf

An area, separate from the golf course, designated for hitting practice balls. Example: Ranges/Driving ranges/Practice ranges/Practice tees vary widely in their size and caliber.

practice tee

Sports; Golf

An area, separate from the golf course, designated for hitting practice balls. Example: Ranges/Driving ranges/Practice ranges/Practice tees vary widely in their size and caliber.