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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Rowing


Sports; Rowing

There is a metal rod that the oarlock is supported by.

pivoting shoe

Sports; Rowing

This is the mechanism that allows a rower to steer the shell when there is no coxswain.

port side

Sports; Rowing

This is the left side of a boat or shell when the oarsman is facing the bow.

power 10

Sports; Rowing

This is a sequence of 10 power strokes and is used when one crew attempts to use extra power to catch up to another boat.


Sports; Rowing

A whirl left in the water by the blade after a stroke has been taken.


Sports; Rowing

This is a shell that has a four-person crew, which can be with or without a coxswain.

racing start

Sports; Rowing

This is the first 20 or 40 strokes of a race. These strokes are usually at a higher rate and are shorter than those taken during the rest of the race because shorter strokes are ...