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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Scuba diving


Sports; Scuba diving

Mixture of helium and oxygen, usually reserved for very deep diving.

open circuit scuba

Sports; Scuba diving

Apparatus used in recreational diving. Exhaled air is expelled into the water as bubbles, no part is re-breathed by the diver.

cavern diving

Sports; Scuba diving

Requiring specialized training, this involves diving into an overhead environment including caves, abandoned mines or quarries and natural springs or sinkholes; differs from Cave ...

open-water diving

Sports; Scuba diving

The recreational diving done in an environment other than a swimming pool but with no overhead obstacles; examples include lakes, ponds, rivers, oceans, quarries.

archimedes principle

Sports; Scuba diving

Any object wholly or partly immersed in fluid will be buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

dive computer

Sports; Scuba diving

Device that constantly measures depth and time, based on a pre-programmed algorithm, the computer calculates tissue nitrogen uptake and elimination in several theoretical ...


Sports; Scuba diving

A hormone secreted by the adrenal gland into the circulatory system which stimulates the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system.