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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Scuba diving


Sports; Scuba diving

Upwelling is vertical water movement. This occurs when surface water is moved away (offshore) due to winds blowing from north top south and acting as a force on the surface ...


Sports; Scuba diving

A diary of a divers dive history. Provides evidence of the depth and breadth of a divers experience.

carbon dioxide

Sports; Scuba diving

Commonly called CO2, an odorless, tasteless gas that is a byproduct of metabolism; is excreted by the lungs in exhaled air.

diver propulsion vehicle (DPV)

Sports; Scuba diving

Underwater scooter that allows a dive to cover an increased distance underwater. Popular at some resorts.


Sports; Scuba diving

A dividing membrane or thin partition; the thin muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity; the rubber (or other material) separating the demand chamber in a ...


Sports; Scuba diving

A heavy walled vessel that can withstand pressures under water and allow occupants to breath air at sea level pressures and travels under its own power.

oxygen depth limit (odl)

Sports; Scuba diving

The deepest that a diver can safely go using a particular gas mixture. For example, the MOD for EAN32 (32 per- cent oxygen) is 132 fsw (40 m).