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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Scuba diving

gas laws

Sports; Scuba diving

Laws that predict how gases will behave with changes in pressure, temperature and volume.


Sports; Scuba diving

A piece of foot protection, usually made of neoprene, worn inside an open-heeled fin; serves to protect the diver's feet while walking to and from the dive site and prevents ...

rip current

Sports; Scuba diving

A strong current of limited area flowing outward from the shore, and may be visible as a band of agitated water with the regular wave pattern altered; current is caused by the ...


Sports; Scuba diving

Under breathing to the extent that the blood carbon dioxide level is elevated, may be manifested by carbon dioxide narcosis.

giant stride entry

Sports; Scuba diving

The most common method of entering water from a boat transom, pier, etc. , where the standing diver takes a large step into the water while securely holding mask, tucking chin and ...

ascent bottle

Sports; Scuba diving

An extra cylinder of air used on deep dives to allow decompression stops without fear of running out of air.


Sports; Scuba diving

Am abnormal collection of air outside the lining of the lung, between the lung and the chest wall, often a consequence of pressure injuries (barotraumas).