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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Scuba diving

valsalva maneuver

Sports; Scuba diving

A method of manually equalizing the inner ear. The pressure on the inside of the eardrum is increased by closing the nasal passage (pinching the nose shut) and blowing gently, ...


Sports; Scuba diving

In scuba, any device that changes air pressure from one level to a lower level.

purge valve

Sports; Scuba diving

Allow masks to be cleared without removal. Allows snorkels to be cleared easily.

water pressure

Sports; Scuba diving

Force per unit area exerted by the weight of water, each 33 feet of sea water exerts a pressure equivalent to one atmosphere, or 14. 7psa.


Sports; Scuba diving

A Halocline is a change in the salt content of the water, but is not often apparent to divers unless severe enough to cause buoyancy changes.


Sports; Scuba diving

Air spaces within the skull that are in contact with ambient pressure through openings into the back of the nasal passages.

middle ear

Sports; Scuba diving

Air containing space of the ear bordered on one side by the tympanic membrane, which is exposed to any change in ambient pressure. Air pressure in the middle ear space can only ...