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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Scuba diving

partial pressure

Sports; Scuba diving

Pressure exerted by a single component of a gas within a gas mixture, or dissolved in a liquid.


Sports; Scuba diving

The body's attempt to create heat through muscular activity.

first stage

Sports; Scuba diving

Regulator attached to the scuba tank that lowers the tank pressure to ambient pressure plus a pre-determined pressure (e.g., ambient + 140 psi).


Sports; Scuba diving

Metric unit for temperature. C=(F-32) x . 556.

dry suit

Sports; Scuba diving

A water-tight garment that keeps the diver's body warm by providing insulation with a layer of gas, such as air, for diving in waters that are too cold for comfortable wetsuit ...

residual nitrogen time

Sports; Scuba diving

The time it would take to off-gas any extra nitrogen remaining after a dive. Residual Nitrogen Time is always taken into consideration when determining the safe duration for any ...

submersible pressure gauge

Sports; Scuba diving

Gauge to monitor air supply during the course of a dive.