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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Snowboarding

giant slalom

Sports; Snowboarding

This is a timed race down a long course. The course has markers which are further apart then in regular slalom racing.


Sports; Snowboarding

When a snowboarder slides straight and does not use the edges on the snowboard.


Sports; Snowboarding

A difficult or awesome slope or course. Used in other sports as well. Such as Surfing.


Sports; Snowboarding

This is riding with the right foot forward.


Sports; Snowboarding

When a snowboarder uses one or both their hands to hold on to either edge of the snowboard.


Sports; Snowboarding

This is to slide the snowboard parallel to the coping.

grommet (grom)

Sports; Snowboarding

The name for a small, young snowboarder. Can be used both as a term of endearment or in a pejorative manner.