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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Snowboarding

roast beef

Sports; Snowboarding

The snowboarders rear hand reaches between their legs and grabs the heel edge between the bindings. The tweak is often a tailbone.


Sports; Snowboarding

This is the shape of a snowboard that has an upward curved shape. So that the tip and tail will curve up but the center will sit on the surface. Opposite of camber.


Sports; Snowboarding

The snowboarders back leg is boned, their front hand grabs the toe edge ahead of the front foot and the snowboard is pointed perpendicular to the ground.

rodeo flip

Sports; Snowboarding

This is an inverted frontside 540-degree rotation off of a straight jump.

speed check

Sports; Snowboarding

When a snowboarder slides sideways to slow down.


Sports; Snowboarding

This is a sculpted jump made out of snow that has two walls running parallel that come together to form a spine, where a snowboarder can perform tricks.