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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Speed skating


Sports; Speed skating

There are two timekeepers and they are in charge of making sure the electronic timer is working correctly and if it is not they will time the race manually.


Sports; Speed skating

When a skater pushes off with their toe at the end of a stride. This is not a good habit to get into, as it is an inefficient use of energy.


Sports; Speed skating

See Long Track and Short Track.

track judges

Sports; Speed skating

There are two track judges and they usually stand at each of the two corners. Their job is to make sure that the competitors are staying in their lane, that they make the turn ...


Sports; Speed skating

This refers to the stride rate of a skater. How fast they are making each stride.

warm-up track

Sports; Speed skating

This is the lane on the very inside of the track where skaters can warm up for their race.

electronic timer

Sports; Speed skating

This is a timing device that uses a light beam to record when a skater crosses the finish line.