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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Speed skating

elimination system

Sports; Speed skating

This is a type of race where there is a maximum of eight skaters and after 4 laps the skater in last position drops out of the race. Thereafter every two laps the last skater in ...


Sports; Speed skating

See the separate section on equipment

fall down mark

Sports; Speed skating

This is a mark 11 yards (10 meters) down the track from the starting line. If a skater falls down in this first 11 yards the starter might restart the race. However, if the fall ...

false start

Sports; Speed skating

When a skater starts before the gun sounds. Every skater is allowed one false start but if they have a second false start they will be disqualified from the race.

finish judge

Sports; Speed skating

He is in charge of making sure the skaters finish the race in a legal manner.

finish line

Sports; Speed skating

The line the skaters cross to end the race. Just like every other finish line in every other sport that has a finish line.


Sports; Speed skating

Skaters wear gloves in short track skating and they are usually made of leather.