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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Sporting events


Hunting & fishing; Sporting events

The two teeth on the lower jaw of an elk that look like ivory. They're not, really. Also called "whistlers."

iron sights

Hunting & fishing; Sporting events

A pair of sights set atop the barrel of a rifle, one on the end of the barrel and the other near the breech of a rifle for accurate shot placement. Iron sights are very ...

j-rig or fish hook

Hunting & fishing; Sporting events

A decoy spread in the shape of the letter "J", with the long shank pointing upwind. Used for both diving and puddle ducks.

in the round

Hunting & fishing; Sporting events

A trapping term referring to selling furbearers whole, without skinning them, to a fur buyer.

in-line muzzleloader

Hunting & fishing; Sporting events

A hybrid rifle built to reflect the definition of a muzzleloading rifle according to many states' game laws. In-line muzzleloaders are in many respects modern rifles using ...

inside spread

Hunting & fishing; Sporting events

The distance between an animal's antlers measured at the widest point on the inside of each antler. This distance can be radically different than the outside spread, depending on ...


Hunting & fishing; Sporting events

Hungarian (or Gray) partridge.